Nevertheless, here am I. New glasses (well done Lewis, the only one to spot them) hair (everyone's spotted that - even me own Mum lost me in the supermarket last week, first time since 1984) and a carling Cup runners up medal to show.
Anyway, what have I learned since the lost toe-tipping into the blogosphere...
- year 5 are no good at looking after books;
- bolognese should never be tampered with;
- all children should still maintain their best work even if it is not their own teacher in class;
- that my ukelele is really easy to fix if the tuning pegs keep slipping;
- that year 5 like my car, but not Mr Scaiff's;
- that Miss Lane likes my car, even though we only ever take the same short journey in it;
- that adults, like children, sometimes shy away from the truth;
I venture back to the land of my birth this weekend. Is this wise I hear you ask. To be honest, ever since I planned the trip, I have had my doubts. However, I will spend an evening jamming with Jos, which is always worthwhile. I can give him that awful mandolin back.
Come on the villa.
That is all.